Odoo • Image and Text

Live Intellectus is leader on

AI Document Classification

Live Intellectus Team was the first company to join an Open Source ERP functionalities with Artificial Intelligence to manage lawsuits for law offices, banks, insurance and telecommunication companies.

Our Team develops Artificial Intelligence solutions since 2014.

The 98 % precision achieved by Live Intellectus was an Historic goal that surpassed any Human analyse.

OdooERP is already used by 3.7 million people  in companies and organizations like WWF, Toyota, Cox, Hyundai, Danone, among many others.

Associating Artificial Intelligence with an ERP gives a combined power to a Organization/Company never achieved before.

We develop and integrate with every ERP in the market.

No need to change yours.

Document/image classification, workflow, monitoring, notifications and support to decision are the keys that Artificial Intelligence already achieves better than any Human.

Contact us to know more about empowering your Organization or Company to the 4th Industrial Revolution and know efficiency and resources economy like never before.

The World is changing and we can help you to be in the forefront.

Our Team
Text and image block

What makes Live Intellectus different

Oriented and Flexible to meet your needs

Through our tool, you can optimize costs, decrease work teams and streamline more assertive decision making with integrated system information.

Our technology is tailor-made for your business, both for law firms and for large corporations such as banks, insurance and telecommunication companies, with large volume of processes.

